ZMO News

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

4 June, 7 pm, Einstein Forum, Am Neuen Markt 7, 14467 Potsdam
Thinking (with) Africa. Philosophy and Intellectual Practice
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse (ZMO). Moderation: Dr. Abdoulaye Sounaye (ZMO).

In this talk, Kai Kresse uses the opportunity to reflect upon the current state of the field of research on African philosophy and intellectual tra-ditions, in relation to pointers and arguments from postcolonial critique and a growing interest in ‘world philosophy’ within mainstream philosophy. In specific terms and for illustration, he does so by reflecting
upon key aspects of his own research which, situated
between anthropology, philosophy and other disciplines, in empirical terms has been engaged
with Swahili thinkers, philosophical discourse, and...

24 June, 3-6 pm Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, Altensteinstraße 48,
14195 Berlin
Columbus the Muslim
Roundtable with Prof. Dr. Alan Mikhail (Yale University) and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO).


Christopher Colum-bus lived the vast majority of his life
in a Mediterranean world in which the Ottoman and Mamluk Empires dominated the eastern part of the sea and were in constant economic, political, and confrontational interaction with the Christian states of Europe. This talk considers the importance of Islam in shaping Columbus's life and voyages. In doing so, it thinks critically about the role of Islam in the Spanish decision to send him..


6 June 2019, 5 pm, ZMO
Anthropology of Development, Today. Towards an Analysis of the Role of Critique as Mover of Social Processes
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ursula Rao (University of Leipzig) as part of the ZMO-Colloquium.

This talk develops a new
vision for an Anthropology
of Development. In recent years, the anthropological analysis of governance pro-cesses has suggested that investment in technocratic
forms of rule have shrunk
the space for political action
and depoliticized develop-
ment. While this position assumes that development interventions are confident and final, an analysis of practice shows that interventions tend to be open
ended, provisional and incomplete. In fact, today, development projects are often perceived as ...

27 June, 5 pm, ZMO
Maids in Movement: Domestic
Workers and Trade Unions in India

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Samita Sen (University of Cambridge) as part of the ZMO-Colloquium

Following Convention 189 (2011) of the ILO, ­domestic ­workers ­have ­emerged ­as a­ significant category of workers and as subjects
of both women’s and workers’ politics. They
have posed challenging questions of class and gender, which the main-stream in both these movements have found difficult ­to­ answer.­­ While ­there ­has­ been­ consider-able associational activity in different parts of the world, there are also ...

Urban Studies Seminar

17 June, 5 pm, ZMO
"Conquering New Territories for Jesus": Displacement and Place- Making of Christian Migrants in Moroccan Cities
Lecture by Dr. Johara Berriane (Centre Marc Block, Berlin) as part of the Urban Studies Seminar.

Since the end of the 1990s, Morocco has become a host country for African migrants from different origins, with different migration motiva-tions and projects. The presence of these migrants contributed, among other things, to the pluralisation of the local religious land-scape and the foundation of charismatic house-churches in various working-class districts of
the main Moroccan cities. Focusing on ...

More info...

Other Events

20-22 June 2019, Forum Transregionale Studien, Wallotstraße 14, 14193
Women and the Transregional Circulation of Knowledge, from 1800 to 1950
Workshop organized by Thiago Pinto Barbosa (ZMO), Tika Ramadhini (ZMO) and Heike
Liebau (ZMO).

When taken on the move across different regions and across time, knowledge is adapted, translated, and transformed.
This exploratory workshop aims at discussing
new concepts and approaches to understand knowledge production by women in transregional mobility, considering the complex relations between interconnecting actors, sites, contexts, standpoints and/or situatedness.

Please note that this is a closed workshop and not open to public!

3 June 2019, 6 pm, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Invalidenstraße 118, 10115 Berlin
General Elections in India
Lecture by Anandita Bajpai (ZMO/ HU Berlin) as part of the lecture series Why Do Elections Matter? Analyzing the 2019 Elections in Indonesia, India, Tunisia and Turkey.

After three events
on  elections in Turkey, Tunisia and Indonesia ZMO fellow Anandita Bajpai will deliver the last lecture of the series focusing on General Elections in India. The lecture will be discussed by Prof. Dr. Nadja-Christina Schneider (HU Berlin).


Now on Youtube:
Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds:
Across and Between the Local and the Global

From 3-5 April 2019 ZMO hosted the conference Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds: Across and Between the Local and the Global as a completion of the twelve-year research programme "Muslim Worlds - Worlds of Islam? Conceptions, Practices, and Crises of the Global". 

Seema Alavi's keynote lecture on Muslim Cosmopolitanism and the Writing of World History as well as the roundtable discussion held
in German Was sind muslimische Welten? Fragen an den globalen Norden are now available on ZMO's Youtube channel.

Now on Youtube:
Dietrich Reetz: Lecture on Tablighi Jamaat at Leuven University

On 28 March 2019 ZMO fellow Dietrich Reetz was a speaker at the 2019 lecture series Current Issues in Islam at the Gulen Chair of Leuven University. The lecture on Tablighi Jamaat was recorded
and is now available on the Gulen Chair's Youtube channel.

New Journal in ZMO Library 

ZMO sincerely thanks King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies for donating an electronic copy of the issues from 1937 to 1965 of the first Saudi-Arabian cultural journal
ﺍﻟﻣﻨهل  [al-Manhal].
 The journal is available on the ZMO website.

To request and obtain access please contact Dr. Thomas Ripper, Head of ZMO library.



ZMO in the Media

With Kai Kresse
History of Philosophy without any Gaps #26: Kai Kresse on the Anthropology of Philosophy

Podcast episode with ZMO Vice Director Kai Kresse.

History of Philosophy without any gaps, 14 April 2019.

With Sonja Hegasy
Arabische Welt: Neuer Umgang mit Antisemitismus?

Article by Kersten Knipp consulting ZMO Vice Director Sonja Hegasy's expertise.

Deutsche Welle, 20 May 2019.

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